Happily, the boy set out to hunt for food.

But the boy couldn’t get seen the cheeky tree that he knew.  The cheeky tree wasn’t really kind. The boy try to get past it didn’t work so he try again it still didn’t work.

He stood behind the tree. The cheeky tree though he saw the boy. But the didn’t see the boy. The boy was so lucky. He though he saw some food behind a tree.

how will he get to the food? he will swing on a vine to get on to the grass to find the food.


In the wall lived a small mouse. The mouse saw a cat eating some food. The cat was near the bench the cat was licking her lips. It sounded like a scary sound.

“I think I will go and hide behind the chair,” thought the mouse. The mouse tiptoed quietly to the chair. The cat saw the mouse. The mouse ran back quickly to the hole in the wall. In the hole in the wall was very dusty and dirty. The mouse came through the wall out to the other side. There was a person who had a mouse trap!